After much planning over the last year my kid Reilly and I finally tackled a cross country drive to bring back a moving truck's worth of hardwoods and tools from upstate New York. My inlaws very generously offered my late brother-in-law Patrick's collection of hardwoods to me along with many, many tools. I'm beyond grateful and can only hope to do Patrick proud as he was an incredible woodworker.
Loading the 16 foot Penske with stacks of lumber, burls for turning, clamps, band saw, lathe, jointer and on & on. The truck was a weeee bit overweight when all was said and done.
A cool little treasure that was also tossed into the mix. An early 1900's Stickley rocker in need of restoration and re-assembly.
The Work of L&JG Stickley shop mark on one of the boards identifies this chair as between 1912 and 1920. Can't wait to start work on the restoration.
Rolling with the big boys.
The Dakotas: where you can stand in the middle of the highway taking pictures without getting run over.
Me and the kid in obligatory tourism photos: on the el train in Chicago
and the Devil's Tower.
3200 miles worth of bugs.
My wife Deirdre still smiling through the unloading process. While we had several people in New York including the superhuman Farmer Bob to help load the truck, it was just Deirdre, the kid and I to unload back home. Much pain was in store the next day.
The superhuman, yet camera shy, Farmer Bob. He can lift a 350 lb band saw (or a 400 lb engine block I hear) and still have a hand free for his beer.